Bracelet Arches

Our curved bracelet arches are manufactured in two standard sizes, which accommodate either one or three bracelets. We are also able to manufacture custom sizes of this design. They have a space to hide a tag and optional elastic to secure your jewelry in place. This may be manufactured in all one material or we can two-tone this display using a different material on the sides. We offer padding on the sides of this display however, you can request that the sides are made without padding.   This display provides the perfect angle for both top-down view into a showcase or in an eye-level window display.

Choose your Size:
Magnetize Base?:
Choose Color & Material (Faux Leather Or Suede):

Choose Color & Material (Faux Leather Or Suede)

Add accent or secondary color & Material (Faux Leather Or Suede):

Add Accent or Secondary Color & Material (Faux Leather Or Suede)

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